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Pickering Interfaces open in France

Measurement & Test>France>People
12/05/2006 18:30:32 :
Pickering Interfaces Strengthen European Activities and Announce Opening of the French Office in Paris.

May 10, 2006 09:45 (evertiq)
Pickering Interfaces announce the opening its French office based in the Paris region. Pickering Interfaces are a major player in the Test & Measurement market; the multi-national company is very strong in switching, providing products in all the well known and established architectures of PCI, PXI, GPIB, VXI and now LXI.

Michael CRESPIN Sales Director for Pickering Interfaces France Michael Crespin, France Sales Director for Pickering Interfaces, graduated in 1988 from the Israel Institute of Technology, has started his career in 1989 at National Instruments France as Field Sales Engineer. He has successively filled the positions of Strategic Account Sales Manager and North-West France Sales Manager. In addition to those positions, he has contributed to open several offices in Europe thanks to his multilingual knowledge. In 1998, he was named Regional Sales Director of the North West France region and has particularly developed the Telecom market. In 2003, he was promoted to the position of North France Sales Director and has contributed to the success of the PXI architecture.

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Zuken acquires CIM-Team

EDA>Germany>Japan>Merger Acquisition
12/05/2006 18:25:25 :
Zuken, an engineering consulting company, has acquired the German electrical/electronic Computer Aided Engineering software design company, CIM-Team GmbH.
April 24, 2006 14:16 (evertiq)
This acquisition brings together complementary technology provided by CIM-Team's E³ electrical and cabling software suite with Zuken's longstanding portfolio of electrical system design; including CR-5000, the robust and scalable enterprise wide design solution, CADSTAR, the well known desktop design tool and DS-2, the e-PLM (electronic product lifecycle management) solution.

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Mentor invest in Russia

EDA>Rest of Europe>Americas>Investment
12/05/2006 18:21:57 :
EDA company Mentor Graphics Corp. has sponsored an electronic design laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) in Zelenograd, Russia.
MIET is one of the leading Russian universities preparing specialists in electronic systems design, and the center has been set up to train students to use electronic design tools.
Mentor’s contribution has been to pay for software, computers, training materials and to provide scholarship funding. The laboratory is expected to offer courses in September focused on printed circuit board and system design, on hardware description language (HDL) design and verification. Later courses will address mixed-signal custom integrated circuit design and verification.
“The better prepared new engineering graduates are, the better for the industry,” said Hanns Windele, Mentor Graphics vice president for Europe, in a statement

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Isola completes Polyclad acquisition

Passive Components>SMT >Rest of Europe>Americas>Merger Acquisition
12/05/2006 18:26:00 :
ISOLA GROUP, SARL has announced that it has completed the acquisition of Polyclad Laminates from Cookson Group plc, for a cash consideration of $91M following approval by European Union antitrust authorities. Polyclad manufactures a line of laminate and prepreg materials similar to Isola Group.
According to Ray Sharpe, CEO of the new corporation, "This acquisition allows us to broaden our product portfolio and strengthen our geographic footprint. The product lines for both companies are very complementary resulting in the most complete product offering in the industry." Isola plans to spend approximately $50 million U.S. dollars on cash restructuring charges to ensure more efficient use of global manufacturing capacities, creating a global supplier capable of competing effectively in the long term with laminate suppliers based solely in low-cost regions of the world.

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DEK France appoints new Operations Manager

SMT >France>People
12/05/2006 18:23:16 :
Pascal Puis has been appointed to the position of DEK France Operations Manager, a role which will see him charged with responsibility for the management of Process Support Products in this region.
April 21, 2006 13:01 (evertiq)
Reporting to DEK France General Manager, Patrick Perochaud, Puis' new role will see him focus on the PSP division, managing laser-cut stencil production, tooling, consumables and PumpPrint™. Following his appointment, Puis' first task as Operations Manager was to manage the Technology Day held at DEK's French offices in Lyon. Held over 16th-17th March, the day was heralded a success, attracting over 40 design customers from the local area and beyond. Visitors were given the opportunity to tour the factory, witness technology demonstrations and discuss any process issues with DEK representatives.

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Valor buys Danish TraceXpert Operations

Software>Rest of Europe>Americas>Merger Acquisition
12/05/2006 18:36:22 :
Valor had recently completed the purchase of the Danish TraceXpert, now a wholly owned Valor subsidiary under the name “Valor Denmark”. The purchase will enable Valor to achieve full business and operational integration with the Danish company and its products, resulting in reduced costs and increased profitability. “We see an increasing demand for Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) in the Assembly market. Due to the fact that TraceXpert plays a key role in our solution for that market and due to the great potential that we see in TraceXpert as a company, we decided to complete the purchase ahead of time”, explained Shofman.
“Overall, I am optimistic about the future”, said Shofman. “We expect to see an increase in revenues and net profit in Q2, and to meet or even exceed our original profit outlook of $3 Million for 2006”, he concluded.

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Good year for automatech

SMT >France>Finance
12/05/2006 18:35:32 :
Après avoir réalisé une progression d’activité de 50 % au cours de l’exercice précédent, AUTOMA-TECH affiche un chiffre d’affaires consolidé au 31 mars 2006 s’élevant à 23 millions d’euros reflétant un taux de croissance annuel de 44 % ( + 36 % à périmètre constant).
Au cours de l’exercice, le groupe AUTOMA-TECH a confirmé sa position de leadership sur son marché :
· en renforçant son réseau en Chine (5 implantations) et à Taiwan (création d’AUTOMA-TECH Imaging);
· en acquérant au 1er janvier 2006 son principal concurrent américain.
La contribution au chiffre d’affaires consolidé des filiales créées pour la plupart depuis moins de 4 ans passe de 7,5% à 12,6% (à périmètre constant) avec une croissance en valeur de 147 % . Le dynamisme de ces entités est un des leviers de la croissance future du groupe.

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Amino creates IntAct Software

Consumer >UK>Strategy
12/05/2006 18:24:13 :
Le fabricant britannique de décodeurs TV Amino vient de créer une filiale indépendante dont la vocation est de commercialiser ses logiciels IP/TV auprès des constructeurs de produits d’électronique grand public OEM ou ODM, des fournisseurs de composants et des opérateurs. Baptisée IntAct Software, cette société propose à la fois un logiciel client modulaire (intergiciels, systèmes d’accès conditionnel, navigateurs, etc.) et des outils de gestion sur serveur. Selon Amino, la solution IP/TV IntAct a d’ores et déjà été déployée dans 500000 décodeurs et dans plus de 80 réseaux commerciaux. IntAct Software fournit également des designs de référence.

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Blakell Europlacer Ltd. to Expand UK Sales Business

SMT >UK>Investment
12/05/2006 18:22:44 :
Blakell Europlacer Ltd., a designer and manufacturer of comprehensive SMT screen printing and placement systems for the global electronics industry, announces the expansion of its sales business in the United Kingdom to encompass a select set of other products.
April 24, 2006 08:17 (evertiq)
The company has made the strategic move into distribution in order to increase its penetration of the UK market for its own group products, consisting of Europlacer and Speedprint, as well as those of its partners. Blakell Europlacer Ltd. is recognised as one of the longest standing and most well respected suppliers in the UK market and will build on this with a select band of compatible capital equipment products. A new management role has been created specifically for this profit centre.

"We are very excited to make this strategic change in the UK and to expand our presence here. As a UK manufacturer with more than 40 years of history (more than 30 in the electronics industry), we are delighted to bring an increased range of excellent products to the market," said Derek Gaston, Group Managing Director, Blakell Europlacer Ltd.

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Édition précédente
French mesaruement market grow 14% in 2005
Pickering Interfaces open in France
Zuken acquires CIM-Team
Mentor invest in Russia
Isola completes Polyclad acquisition
DEK France appoints new Operations Manager
Valor buys Danish TraceXpert Operations
Good year for automatech
Amino creates IntAct Software
Blakell Europlacer Ltd. to Expand UK Sales Business

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