Dimanche 18 Juin @ VIPress.net€ 3.6 billion competitiveness and innovation European programme
The European Parliament has adopted the first "Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme" (CIP). Between 2007 and 2013, some 350,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will receive € 3.6 billion in EU support to invest in all forms of innovation and growth. The new programme will support actions to help enterprises and industry to innovate. It will also boost energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, environmental technologies and a better use of information and communication technology (ICT).
CIP is composed of three specific programmes:
(1) Start up and growth of SMEs: the “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme” with a budget of € 2.17 billion including € 430 million to promote eco-innovation.
(2) Information and communication technologies: the “ICT Policy Support Programme”, with a budget of € 730 million, will contribute to competitiveness, growth and jobs through stimulating a wider adoption and more efficient take up and better use of ICT.
(3) Increased use of renewable energy and reduced energy consumption the “Intelligent Energy-Europe Programme” with a budget of € 730 million will support energy efficiency, new and renewable energy sources, and technological solution to reduce greenhouse gas emission cause by the transport sector.
[L]http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/enterprise_policy/cip/index_en.htm|Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme[/L]
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