Vendredi 12 Mai @

ASM International Reports 2006 First Quarter Operating Results

Semiconductors>Equipments & Materials>Rest of Europe>Finance
12/05/2006 16:37:13 :

Please use the following link to view the entire release including financial statements:

· First quarter of 2006 net sales of € 206.5 million, up 53% from the first quarter of 2005 and down 12% from the fourth quarter of 2005.

· After charges for impairment and restructuring of € 5.4 million, net earnings of the first quarter of 2006 was € 2.6 million or € 0.05 diluted net earnings per share, as compared to a net loss of € 7.2 million or € 0.14 diluted net loss per share for the first quarter of 2005 and a net loss of € 27.2 million or € 0.52 diluted net loss per share (after charges for impairment and restructuring of € 43.8 million) for the fourth quarter of 2005

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